Saturday, July 10, 2010

Bare feet.

I felt the cobble stones under my bare feet, as i wondered aimlessly through the dark forest. It didn't hurt, as each sharp stone pierced another part of my foot. I was in a daze; i couldn't recall how far i'd walked. I gazed down at my feet, blood covered them. Why couldn't i feel pain? I was numb, physically and mentally. I took a deep breath, and then let it out, it was cold outside. Very cold, yet i felt nothing as my fingers went purple.
I stroked the tree next to me, its bark rough on my fingertips. The wood smelt strong, touch, like it wouldn't fall down any time soon. I took a deep breath, the flowers smelt sweet. The scent tickles the end of my nose.
I wondered some more, before falling to my knees.
The hard roots, within the mud grazed my legs. As the mud stuck to my wounds, i felt small stings of pain rush up my legs. My legs were bloody and covered in mud; i smiled to muself, as if proud and ran towards the light, peeking around the trees.
I heard whispers, just as i was about to take a step out of the forest. I coudn't make them out, but they sounded far away, but i could feel the words dancing along my tongue, yet i spoke no words. I was making no sound. I giggled and ran out of the forest and into the light.
It was beautiful, the most beautiful thing i've ever encountered. It sparkles, like the scales of a fish. It danced around my head, in movements I'd never seen efore. This wonderful things was true beauty.
I must be the luckiest person alive, to have found it.
A gust of wind blew past me, making my dress wave high in the air, causing goose bumps to form on my legs. I didn't feel the cold. I gazed forward, still shocked by the beauty i had found. I was too scared to blink, in case it vanished. I would stand here the rest of my life and marvel at it. At least, that's what i wanted.
I heard the whispers again, this time they sounded louder, as if the whispers were yelling. Yelling at me, i didn't understand. This beautiful thing seemed harmless, i didn't want to leave.
As if the click of a finger, everything flashed before my eyes. The beauty came to me, it hit me all at once and i felt myself fall backwards. I landed with a thud on the grass.
Everything went black and stayed black. I was dead.

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