Monday, August 16, 2010

Is it worth it? Really?

I don't know anymore. So, look t'is my tummy. Ehehe. I think this photograph is really cute. I like it, weee. :) Well today was probably one of the worst days i've had in a long time, so i'm gonna blog it away.
Hazzar! We have killed the evil day.
So, school was lame. Im really sick of it. People were weird today, my best friend is really upset/angry with me now, which sucks because i love her. I love her. SO much. She cares so much. She is beautiful. I enjoy looking at her face. I wish she'd just forgive me. I made a mistake, i know it was wrong. I wont do it ever again. Im gonna listen now. I really am. Im gonna change and go back to being the old Cathy. I can smell her now. Hehe. Ohaii :)
So yes, you tell me you love me, then to not get attached, what does that even mean? Im sorry i overwhelmed you. I'm sorry. I dont feel good or right for you, i know thats silly, but i care about you so much. I just want you. Although i can't see it happening. Maybe i should just...move on, although we are great, we are good, we have a great thing...which you say you like it and dont want it to go away, but you know what. Stop being confusing, stop it. Please. I can't handle it right now.
I'm so confused about life and who to give my broken, crappily half stitched heart to. Cathy is in need of being loved.
I dont care if that makes me sound desperate, im not. I just want to love someone who loves me back the same amout, for once in my life.
I want it so badly.
So so badly.
i just want that happiness.

Vous etes grand, j'ai une chose pour vous. Veuillez m'aimer juste.

1 comment:

  1. Everyone wants happiness. And love.
